Launching a webinar series for 2024

We are delighted to launch our FREE webinar series for employers for 2024

If you are an employer seeking to understand more about neurodiversity in the workplace then take a look at our events page and book onto our free webinars throughout 2024.

We are offering employers the opportunity to attend our sessions and get a taste of the training and support we offer from Autism Plus Specialist Employment support.

Our webinar series is as follows. 

January 16th  – Intro to Neurodiversity

March 13th – Effective Recruitment of Neurodivergent candidates

May 15th – Understanding ADHD in the workplace

July 17th – Accessible workplaces – adapting to sensory needs

September  18th  – Supporting Social Communication Challenges at work

November  14th  – Developing Inclusive teams


Pop along to our events page on our website and book your free places now.
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