Bridging the Gap – FAQ

Below are some of the frequently asked questions about our Bridging the Gap programme

An appointment is an opportunity to discuss your needs and find out more about our service. A member of our team will contact you beforehand and arrange either a face to face appointment or an online appointment depending on your location.

No, this project is specifically aimed at people waiting for a diagnosis in Sheffield, so as long as you are on the waiting list for a diagnosis then you can access this support.

It can be helpful if you have any occupational health or medical reports to bring them along, but this is not necessary so do not worry if you do not have these available.

Support is usually delivered once a week for around 1 hour. We would discuss with you how your sessions would work and whether these would be online or at our office prior to the support starting.

The project is funded for a 6 month period from February 2024 until the end of July 2024 and you can access support as long as needed between these periods.

No, there is no cost for this support as this is a fully funded programme.

If you have a letter to say you are on the waiting list for a diagnosis in Sheffield then do bring this along to your first appointment but if not then please do not worry, this is not mandatory to provide this.

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