SEND Youth Hub FAQ
An appointment is an opportunity to discuss your needs and find out more about our service. A member of our team will contact you beforehand and arrange either a face to face appointment or an online appointment depending on your location.
Yes, this programme is for all SEND needs, not just neurodivergent conditions. We will assess your needs based on your individual circumstances and adapt our programme to suit you.
The support is for up to 26 weeks, however if you secure paid employment we can support you for a further 13 weeks to sustain this employment. We will then refer you onto our longer term Access to Work programme.
Sessions take place at our Sheffield central office. Autism Plus, The Exchange Brewery, Bridge Street, Sheffield, S3 8NS.
Yes, of course. We are keen to make the support as accessible as possible and recognise that many people are anxious at first so you are welcome to bring along 1 or 2 people with you to the first appointment. Just let the team know in advance so we can ensure we know who to expect.
We have up to 26 weeks to help prepare you and support you into employment or education. We do not expect you to be job ready from day 1, our support will help you get to a point where you feel ready for work.