We are committed to creating a brighter future for Neurodivergent adults, ensuring they have the opportunity to thrive in the workplace

We rely on the generous support of individuals and organisations who share our vision of a more inclusive workforce. Fundraising plays a vital role in enabling us to provide tailored employment support, training, and resources that empower Neurodivergent adults to unlock their full potential.

Your contribution, whether through donations, sponsorships, or participating in our fundraising events, helps our efforts to make meaningful, positive changes in the lives of those we serve. Together, we can break down barriers, champion diversity, and pave the way for more inclusive work places, where every individual’s unique abilities are celebrated and valued.

Here are a few ideas of things you could fundraise towards or donate money for to support our activities include:

  • Computers and / or iPads to support us to help more individuals with job search activities
  • Funding for our social group activities to help develop social confidence in our jobseekers
  • Books, equipment and resources to support our activities with those seeking employment
  • Funding towards staffing costs to help us reach more people in areas where we do not currently have funding
  • Costs towards travel for individuals to access our employment support
  • Funding to help us run events and conferences to raise awareness of Neurodivergent conditions
  • Funding towards running specialist employment job fairs in different locations to help link more jobseekers to employers
  • Noise cancelling headsets and sensory equipment to help those we support manage their sensory challenges

These are just a few ideas, however you do not need to decide, if you just want to support the team then once we receive your donation we can decide the best way to spend this to help our service and those we support. We will of course let you know how your donation helped.

Contact us to discuss your fundraising ideas and how you can support us.
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