What is the Access to Work programme?

The Access to Work programme is available to anyone who is in paid employment or about to start paid employment who has a Neurodivergent condition.

Support is aimed at helping you to overcome any challenges you are experiencing at work by providing one to one coaching and mentoring for you and your employer.

We can also offer job coaching support to help you settle into the work when starting a new job.

Our support is available online via MS teams sessions or in person at our Sheffield office or at your place of work (depending on location)

If you are thinking about applying for funding from Access to Work on gov.uk then please contact us beforehand and we can help you with the application process.

What support does the programme offer?

Our Access to Work programme offers one to one support to help you overcome your barriers and sustain paid employment. This is fully personalised to your needs, however examples of support we have offered in the past includes:

  • Develop personalised action plan to help you overcome barriers
  • Help develop your confidence and self-esteem in the workplace
  • Help you explain your needs to your employer
  • Raise awareness of Neurodiversity in the workplace
  • Help with career goals and career development
  • Help improve relationships with colleagues and managers in the workplace
  • Understanding your disability and how it impacts on you at work


You must be in paid employment or about to start paid employment to access this support. We will also need to speak to your employer to seek their approval to apply for funding for this support.

How to access this programme

Contact us:

employmentsupport@autismplus.co.uk or on 01143 840284.

We will contact you to arrange an initial appointment. If you would like us to contact someone on your behalf then please let us know when you contact the team.

“Using Autism Plus was something I was a really reluctant about in the early days. I thought that because I was already in work I shouldn’t need support but I am very glad now that I was able to use their services as it really has been life changing for me.  And I really cant thank them enough”

Sarah, South Yorkshire Police - Autistic Adult accessing our In Work Support
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